
【海韵讲座】2018年第43期- recent research based on deep learning at the computer vision and pattern recognition lab
发布时间:2018-07-19 点击:次

时间:2018年7月27日 上午 10:00


abstract:  in this talk, the most recent research based on deep learning in the computer vision and pattern recognition laboratory, global big data technologies centre (gbdtc), university of technology sydney (uts) will be introduced. the research topics include human density estimation, tiny face and tiny target detection, license place recognition, violence detection, medical tomography image restoration, human target segmentation etc.

bio: professor sean he, as a chief investigator, has received various research grants including four national research grants awarded by australian research council (arc). as a chief investigator, he has very recently received near one million dollars cash and over 2 million dollars equipment donation from industry partners including cisco, sydney trains, and rail manufacturing cooperative research centre (rmcrc). he is the director of computer vision and pattern recognition laboratory at the global big data technologies centre (gbdtc). he is also the director of uts-npu international joint laboratory on digital media and intelligent networks. he has been an ieee signal processing society student committee member. he is a leading researcher in several research areas including big-learning based human behavious recognition on a single image, image processing based on hexagonal structure, authorship identification of a document and a document’s components (e.g., sentences, sections etc.), network intrusion detection using computer vision techniques, car license plate recognition of high speed moving vehicles with changeable and complex background, and video tracking with motion blur. he has played various chair roles in many international conferences such as acm mm, mmm, ieee bigdatase, ieee cit, ieee avss, ieee trustcom, ieee icpr and ieee icarcv. in recent years, he has many high quality publications in ieee transactions journals such as ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing, ieee transactions on mobile computing, ieee transactions on computers, ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, and ieee transactions on multimedia; and in elsevier’s journals such as pattern recognition, signal processing, and computer networks. he has also had papers published in premier international conferences and workshops such as acl, ijcai, cvpr, eccv and acm mm. he has recently been a guest editor for various international journals such as journal of computer networks and computer applications (elsevier), future generation computer systems (elsevier) and signal processing (elsevier). he is currently an advisor of hkie transactions.



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