
【海韵讲座】2018年第24期-collaborative mobile charging: from abstraction to solution
发布时间:2018-05-31 点击:次

主讲人:wu jie

director, international affairs, college of science and technology (cst)

director, center of networked computing

cst laura h. carnell professor,department of computer and information sciences (cis)

temple university, philadelphia,



abstract: wireless energy charging using mobile vehicles has been a viable research topic recently in the area of wireless networks and mobile computing. this paper gives a short survey of recent research conducted in our research group in the area of collaborative mobile charging. in collaborative mobile charging, multiple mobile chargers work together to accomplish a given set of objectives. these objectives include charging sensors at different frequencies with a minimum number of mobile chargers and reaching the farthest sensor for a given set of mobile chargers, subject to various constraints, including speed and energy limits of mobile chargers. through the process of problem formulation, solution construction, and future work extension for problems related to collaborative mobile charging and coverage, we present three principles for good practice in conducting research, that is, select a simple problem, find an elegant solution, and use imagination for extension.

bio:jie wu is the director of the center for networked computing and laura h. carnell professor at temple university. he also serves as the director of international affairs at college of science and technology. he served as chair of department of computer and information sciences from the summer of 2009 to the summer of 2016 and associate vice provost for international affairs from the fall of 2015 to the summer of 2017. prior to joining temple university, he was a program director at the national science foundation and was a distinguished professor at florida atlantic university. his current research interests include mobile computing and wireless net- works, routing protocols, cloud and green computing, network trust and security, and social network applications. dr. wu regularly publishes in scholarly journals, conference proceedings, and books. he serves on several editorial boards, including ieee transactions on service computing and the journal of parallel and distributed computing. dr. wu was general co-chair for ieee mass 2006, ieee ipdps 2008, ieee icdcs 2013, acm mobihoc 2014, icpp 2016, and ieee cns 2016, as well as program co-chair for ieee infocom 2011 and ccf cncc 2013. he was an ieee computer society distinguished visitor, acm distinguished speaker, and chair for the ieee technical committee on distributed processing (tcdp). dr. wu is a ccf distinguished speaker and a fellow of the ieee. he is the recipient of the 2011 china computer federation (ccf) overseas outstanding achievement award.




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