
江敏 教授;博士生导师

武汉大学 博士(2007)



电子邮件:minjiang (at) email-service-provided-by-xiamen.university




江敏,教授,博导,目前担任ieee transactions on evolutionary computation、ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems、ieee transactions on cognitive and developmental systems和ieee computational intelligence magazine副主编,曾经担任ieee systems journal客座编辑(human-like intelligence and robotics专辑,2017年出版)。目前/曾经担任ieee计算智能学会智能系统与应用技术委员会主席(2019-2020),副主席(2021-2022), ieee计算智能学会厦门分会主席(2013-至今),中国计算机学会理论计算机专业委员会专委,福建省人工智能学会常务理事。

他主要研究兴趣包括机器学习、优化算法、两者之间的交互及其应用;近5年在tevc, tnnls, tcyb, ijcai等刊物和会议上发表论文近40篇,esi高被引论文1篇;主持包括三项国家自然科学基金项目在内的多项科研项目,同时也是tpami,ijcai、aaai等人工智能领域重要国际期刊和会议的审稿人。

2019年,由于在优化算法方面的贡献,中国人工智能学会授予江敏教授及其合作者“吴文俊人工智能自然科学奖”、获得2020年福建省自然科学奖。2019年江教授被publons授予top (1%) reviewer award。江敏博士是ieee 高级会员(senior member’ 2012)。


1)  2019吴文俊人工智能自然科学奖, 中国人工智能学会, 三等, 2019

2)  2020年度福建省自然科学奖, 福建省人民政府, 三等, 2022

3)  福建省第十三届自然科学优秀论文奖, 福建省科技厅;福建省教育厅;福建省科协,

4)  科睿唯安publons顶级审稿人奖, web of science集团,2019

5)  2020年ieee鲁棒优化比赛冠军, ieee计算智能学会,.

6)  2016年ieee transactions on cybernetics杰出审稿人, ieee transactions on cybernetics, 2016



欢迎博士生、硕士生加入我的团队,也欢迎本科生加入团队进行科研实践活动。研究小组中已经有多名本科生发表transactions系列论文,并被保送或考入国内外知名高校。欢迎跨学科的研究学者前来交流合作。欢迎访问小组的网页(https://minjiang.github.io),有兴趣的同学可以联系minjiang at xmu dot edu  dot cn。


  • ieee进化计算汇刊副主编(associate editor, ieee transactions on evolutionary computation,jcr1区), 2023-

  • ieee计算智能杂志副主编(associate editor, ieee computational intelligence magazine,jcr1区),  2023-

  • ieee神经网络与学习系统汇刊副主编(associate editor, ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems,jcr1区), 2020-

  • ieee认知与发育系统汇刊副主编(associate editor, ieee transactions on cognitive and developmental systems, jcr3区), 2017-

  • ieee systems journal, “类人智能与机器人”专刊(special issue of human-like intelligence and robotics),客座编辑 (guest editor)( if 3.882)

  • aaai,ijcai,ieee wcci‘2016,icaci’2015, isnn’2013,全国理论计算机年会(12,13,14)等多个国际国内学术会议程序委员会委员或组委会成员;

  • ieee计算智能学会北京(厦门)分会主席 (ieee computational intelligence society beijing section xiamen chapter, founding chair) (2013- )

  • ieee高级会员 (mieee’201l, smieee’2012)

  • ieee计算智能学会社会媒体分委员会副主席(ieee computational intelligence society, social media subcommittee, vice chair) (2013-)

  • ieee计算智能学会新兴技术委员会委员 (ieee computational intelligence society, emergent technologies technical committee, member ), (2012-2016)

  • ieee 计算智能学会智能系统应用委员会机器人专业委员会委员(ieee computational intelligence society,the robotics task force of the intelligent systems applications technical committee, member)(2013-)

  • 中国计算机学会理论计算机专业委员会委员 (2012 - );协同计算专委会委员(2022-)

  • 厦门市计算机学会副理事长,秘书长(2022-)

  • ieee tpami, ieee tcyb,ieee transactions on autonomous mental development, soft computing, neurocomputing,international journal of humanoid robotics, algorithmica等国际期刊审稿人

  • acm会员

  • 中国计算机学会会


1. 学习驱动的半动态双层多目标优化方法及其在大规模气力输送系统中的应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目 (主持,2023-2026)

2. 面向不确定环境的鲁棒推理方法, 2021年度科技部高端外国专家引进计划(主持,2021-2022)

3. 鹰眼应用及物料输送系统优化调度算法研究,福建龙净环保股份有限公司(主持,2021-2022)

4. 三明钢铁烧结矿仓降尘改造项目鹰眼系统,福建龙净环保股份有限公司(主持,2020-2021)

5. ros开发课程培训,教育部协同育人项目,(主持,2021-2022)

6. 气力输送智慧平台与抑尘智能识别和控制,福建龙净环保股份有限公司(主持,2020-2021)

7. 面向异构机器人的进化深度学习及其迁移方法研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (主持,2017-2021)

8. 自治机器人的不确定时刻认知能力及其神经符号实现,国家自然科学基金青年项目,(主持,2011-2013)

9. 极多目标优化,国家留学基金委(主持,2016-2017)

10. 时空认知逻辑及其相变实例的算法博弈解,高等学校博士点基金,(主持,2011-2013)

11. 基于认知逻辑和算法博弈论的模型检查:理论、工具与应用,第四十二批博士后基金(主持,2007-2009)


[1] jiang, m., et al. "transfer learning-based dynamic multiobjective optimization algorithms." ieee transactions on evolutionary computation 22.4 (2018): 501-14.

[2] cabarle, f. g. c., et al. "spiking neural p systems with scheduled synapses." ieee transactions on nanobioscience 16.8 (2017): 792-801.

[3] jiang, m., et al. "integration of global and local metrics for domain adaptation learning via dimensionality reduction." ieee transactions on cybernetics 47.1 (2017): 38-51.

[4] song, t., et al. "a parallel workflow pattern modeling using spiking neural p systems with colored spikes." ieee transactions on nanobioscience 17.4 (2018): 474-84.

[5] qiu, g., et al. "clustering passenger trip data for the potential passenger investigation and line design of customized commuter bus." ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems 20.9 (2019): 3351-60.

[6] song, b., et al. "monodirectional tissue p systems with promoters." ieee transactions on cybernetics 51.1 (2021): 438-50.

[7] jiang, m., et al. "knee point-based imbalanced transfer learning for dynamic multiobjective optimization." ieee transactions on evolutionary computation 25.1 (2021): 117-29.

[8] rambabu, r., et al. "a mixture-of-experts prediction framework for evolutionary dynamic multiobjective optimization." ieee transactions on cybernetics 50.12 (2020): 5099-112.

[9] jiang, m., et al. "a fast dynamic evolutionary multiobjective algorithm via manifold transfer learning." ieee transactions on cybernetics 51.7 (2021): 3417-28.

[10] zhang, jia, et al. "multi-label feature selection via global relevance and redundancy optimization." ijcai. 2020.

[11] cabarle, f. g. c., et al. "on string languages generated by spiking neural p systems with structural plasticity." ieee transactions on nanobioscience 17.4 (2018): 560-66.

[12] jiang, m., et al. "individual-based transfer learning for dynamic multiobjective optimization." ieee transactions on cybernetics 51.10 (2021): 4968-81.

[13] liu, x., et al. "multiobjective particle swarm optimization based on network embedding for complex network community detection." ieee transactions on computational social systems 7.2 (2020): 437-49.

[14] song, t., et al. "on the computational power of asynchronous axon membrane systems." ieee transactions on emerging topics in computational intelligence 4.5 (2020): 696-704.

[15] du, g., et al. "graph-based class-imbalance learning with label enhancement." ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems (2021).

[16] wang, z., et al. "manifold interpolation for large-scale multiobjective optimization via generative adversarial networks." ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems (2021): 1-15.

[17] xu, d., et al. "an online prediction approach based on incremental support vector machine for dynamic multiobjective optimization." ieee transactions on evolutionary computation 26.4 (2022): 690-703.

[18] zhang, h., et al. "inverse gaussian process modeling for evolutionary dynamic multiobjective optimization." ieee transactions on cybernetics (2021): 1-14.

[19] zhang, j., et al. "learning from weakly labeled data based on manifold regularized sparse model." ieee transactions on cybernetics 52.5 (2022): 3841-54.

[20] li, j., et al. "reducing negative transfer learning via clustering for dynamic multiobjective optimization." ieee transactions on evolutionary computation (2022): 1-1.

[21] zhou, w., et al. "evolutionary search with multi-view prediction for dynamic multi-objective optimization." ieee transactions on evolutionary computation (2021): 1-1.
