
吴素贞 副教授、博士生导师

华中科技大学 博士(2010)



电子邮件:suzhen (at) xmu.edu.cn




吴素贞,2005年本科毕业于华中科技大学,2010年博士毕业于华中科技大学,2010年至今任职厦门大学信息学院助理教授、副教授,2018-2020年美国德州大学阿灵顿分校做访问研究,一直从事计算机系统结构、智能存储系统、云存储及新型存储技术等研究工作(包括:重复数据删除、磁盘阵列、固态盘及固态盘阵列、云存储等)。主持包括3项国家自然科学基金项目、1项国家自然科学基金海峡基金子课题等多项科研项目。发表论文60余篇,包括ccf a类论文17篇,ccf b类论文16篇,获得中国发明专利4项。


1. 计算机系统结构(本科生课程)

2. 高等计算机体系结构(研究生课程)

3. 云计算技术(研究生课程)

4. 信息存储技术(本科生课程)

5. c语言程序设计(本科生课程)

6. 计算机基础(本科生课程)


1. ccf高级会员

2. ccf信息存储技术专业委员会委员、ccf体系结构专业委员会委员

3. ieee会员、acm会员、usenix会员

4. 承担了ieee tc、ieee tpds、ieee tcad、acm tos、jcis、fgcs、fcs、计算机研究与发展等期刊和msst、ccgrid、nas、icpads等会议的审稿工作。


1. 2019级 硕士生:涂展宏、王佐诚、吴嘉鹏

2. 2018级 硕士生:兰思杰、张芝豪

3. 2017级 硕士生:韩迎新、刘龙权、张伟韦

4. 2016级 硕士生:黎海军、饶辉、朱伟东、喻芳

5. 2015级 硕士生:刘癸新、栾华高、王路

6. 2014级 硕士生:陈骁、林燕萍、杨伟健

7. 2013级 硕士生:李舒婷、刘晓娟

8. 2012级 硕士生:席在发

9. 2011级 硕士生:陈晓兰、陈晓熹


[1] date国际会议最佳论文提名奖(21/834=2.5%),2019


[2] 2019.1-2022.12国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于闪存的软硬件协同设计技术研究(主持)

[3] 2018.1-2021.12国家自然科学基金促进海峡两岸科技合作联合基金:面向公共安全领域的网络大数据获取、存储与分析的理论与应用基础研究(子课题负责人)

[4] 2015.1-2018.12国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于固态盘阵列的数据布局和缓存管理策略研究(主持)

[5] 2014.10-2016.4高效能服务器和存储技术国家重点实验室开放课题:基于可变块的块级重复数据删除技术研究与实现(主持)

[6] 2012.1-2014.12国家自然科学基金青年基金:重复数据删除存储系统的数据重构性能和能效研究(主持)

[7] 企业委托项目(若干)


[1] suzhen wu, weidong zhu, yingxin han hong jiang, bo mao, zhijie huang, and liang chen. gc-steering: gc-aware request steering and parallel reconstruction optimizations for ssd-based raids. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 2020. (accepted)

[2] suzhen wu, bo mao, hong jiang, huagao luan, jindong zhou. pfp: improving the reliability of deduplication-based storage systems with per-file parity. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 30(9): 2117 - 2129, september 2019.

[3] bo mao, jindong zhou, suzhen wu, hong jiang, xiao chen, and weijian yang. improving flash memory performance and reliability for smartphones with i/o deduplication. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 38(6): 1017-1027, june 2019.

[4] suzhen wu, haijun li, bo mao, and kuan-ching li. overcome the gc-induced performance variability in ssd-based raids with request redirection. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 38(5): 822-833, may 2019.

[5] bo mao, suzhen wu, hong jiang, yaodong yang, and zaifa xi. edc: improving the performance and space efficiency of flash-based storage systems with elastic data compression. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 29(6): 1261-1274, june 2018.

[6] yaodong yang, bo mao, hong jiang, hao luo, yuekun yang, suzhen wu. snapmig: accelerating vm live storage migration by leveraging the existing vm snapshots in the cloud. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 29(6): 1416-1427, june 2018.

[7] bo mao, suzhen wu, and lide duan. improving the ssd performance by exploiting request characteristics and internal parallelism. ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems. 37(2): 472-484, february 2018.

[8] suzhen wu, bo mao, yanping lin, and hong jiang. improving performance for flash-based storage systems through gc-aware cache management. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 28(10): 2852-2865, october 2017.

[9] bo mao, suzhen wu, and hong jiang. exploiting workload characteristics and service diversity to improve the availability of cloud storage systems. ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems. 27(7): 2010-2021, july 2016.

[10] suzhen wu, bo mao, xiaolan chen, and hong jiang. ldm: log disk mirroring with improved performance and reliability for ssd-based disk arrays. acm transactions on storage. 12(4): article 22(21 pages), may 2016.

[11] bo mao, hong jiang, suzhen wu, and lei tian. leveraging data deduplication to improve the performance of primary storage systems in the cloud. ieee transactions on computers. 65(6): 1775-1788, june 2016.

[12] suzhen wu, hong jiang, and bo mao. proactive data migration for improved storage availability in large-scale data centers. ieee transactions on computers. 64(9):2637-2651, september 2015.

[13] bo mao, hong jiang, suzhen wu, yinjin fu, and lei tian. read performance optimization for deduplication-based storage systems in the cloud. acm transactions on storage, vol. 10, no.2: article no. 6 (22 pages), march 2014.

[14] bo mao, hong jiang,  suzhen wu, lei tian, dan feng, jianxi chen, and lingfang zeng. hpda: a hybrid parity-based disk array for enhanced performance and reliability. acm transactions on storage, vol. 8, no. 1: article no. 4 (20 pages), february 2012.

[15] suzhen wu, hong jiang, dan feng, lei tian, and bo mao. improving availability of raid-structured storage systems by workload outsourcing. ieee transactions on computers, 60(1):64-79, january 2011.


[1] suzhen wu, sijie lan, jindong zhou, hong jiang, zhirong shen. bitflip: a bit-flipping scheme for reducing read latency and improving reliability of flash memory. accepted to be appear in proceedings of the 36th international conference on massive storage systems and technology (msst'20). santa clara, ca, usa, october, 2020.

[2] suzhen wu, longquan liu, hong jiang, hao che, and bo mao. pandasync: network and workload aware hybrid cloud sync optimization. in proceedings of the 39th ieee international conference on distributed computing systems (icdcs'19). dallas, texas, usa, july 7-10, 2019.

[3] suzhen wu, weiwei zhang, bo mao and hong jiang. hotr: alleviating read/write interference with hot read data replication for flash storage. in proceedings of the 22nd design automation and test in europe (date'19). florence, italy, march 25-29, 2019. (best paper award nomination)

[4] suzhen wu, huagao luan, bo mao, hong jiang, gen niu, hui rao, fang yu and jindong zhou. improving reliability of deduplication-based storage systems with per-file parity. in proceedings of the 37th ieee international symposium on reliable distributed systems (srds'18). salvador, bahia, brazil, october 02- 05, 2018.

[5] suzhen wu, weidong zhu, guixin liu, hong jiang, and bo mao. gc-aware request steering with improved performance and reliability for ssd-based raids. in proceedings of the 32nd ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps'18). vancouver, british columbia, canada, may 21-may 25, 2018. (accepted in the 1st round review, acceptance rate: 38/461=8%)

[6] bo mao, hong jiang, suzhen wu, yaodong yang, and zaifa xi. elastic data compression with improved performance and space efficiency for flash-based storage systems. in proceedings of the 31st ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps'17), orlando, florida usa, may 29-june 2, 2017.

[7] jiayang guo, yiming hu, bo mao, and suzhen wu. parallelism and garbage collection aware i/o scheduler with improved ssd performance. in proceedings of the 31st ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps'17), orlando, florida usa, may 29-june 2, 2017.

[8] bo mao, suzhen wu, hong jiang, xiao chen, and weijian yang. content-aware trace collection and i/o deduplication for smartphones. in proceedings of the 33rd international conference on massive storage systems and technology (msst'17), santa clara, ca, usa, may 15-19, 2017.

[9] suzhen wu, xiao chen, and bo mao. exploiting the data redundancy locality to improve the performance of deduplication-based storage systems. in proceedings of the 22nd ieee international conference on parallel and distributed systems (icpads'16), wuhan, china, dec. 13-16, 2016.

[10] suzhen wu, yanping lin, bo mao, and hong jiang. gcar: garbage collection aware cache management with improved performance for flash-based ssds. in proceedings of the 30th international conference on supercomputing (ics'16), istanbul, turkey, jun. 1-3, 2016.

[11] suzhen wu, weijian yang, bo mao, and yanping lin. mc-rais: multi-chunk redundant array of independent ssds with improved performance. in proceedings of the 15th international conference on algorithms and architectures for parallel processing (ica3pp'15), zhangjiajie, china, nov. 18-20, 2015.

[12] bo mao and suzhen wu. exploiting request characteristics and internal parallelism to improve ssd performance. in proceedings of the 33rd ieee international conference on computer design (iccd'15). new york city, usa. oct. 18-21, 2015.

[13] jiayang guo, yimin hu, and bo mao. enhancing i/o scheduler performance by exploiting internal parallelism of ssds. in proceedings of the 15th international conference on algorithms and architectures for parallel processing (ica3pp'15), zhangjiajie, china, nov. 18-20, 2015.

[14] bo mao, suzhen wu, and hong jiang. improving storage availability in cloud-of-clouds with hybrid redundant data distribution. in proceedings of the 29th ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps'15), hyderabad, india, may. 25-29, 2015.

[15] suzhen wu, zaifa xi, bo mao, and hong jiang. exploiting content locality to improve the performance and reliability of phase change memory. in proceedings of the 14th international conference on algorithms and architectures for parallel processing (ica3pp'14), dalian, china, aug. 24-27, 2014.

[16] bo mao, hong jiang, suzhen wu, and lei tian. pod: performance oriented i/o deduplication for primary storage systems in the cloud. in proceedings of the 28th ieee international parallel & distributed processing symposium (ipdps'14), phoenix, az, usa, may. 19-23, 2014.

[17] suzhen wu, hong jiang, and bo mao, ido: intelligent data outsourcing with improved raid reconstruction performance in large-scale data centers. in proceedings of the 26th usenix large installation system administration (lisa'12), san diego, ca, usa, dec. 9-14, 2012.

[18] lingfang zeng, dan feng, bo mao, jianxi chen, qingsong wei, and wenguo liu. herprap: a hybrid array architecture providing any point-in-time data tracking for datacenter. in proceedings of 2012 ieee international conference on cluster computing (cluster'12), beijing, china, sep. 24-28, 2012.

[19] bo mao, hong jiang, suzhen wu, yinjin fu, and lei tian, sar: ssd assisted restore optimization for deduplication-based storage systems in the cloud. in proceedings of 7th ieee international conference on networking, architecture, and storage (nas'12), xiamen, china. jun. 28-30, 2012.

[20] bo mao, hong jiang, dan feng, suzhen wu, jianxi chen, lingfang zeng, and lei tian, hpda: a hybrid parity-based disk array for enhanced performance and reliability. in proceedings of 24th international parallel distributed processing symposium (ipdps'10), atlanta, ga, usa. apr. 19-23, 2010.

[21] suzhen wu, hong jiang, dan feng, lei tian, and bo mao, workout: i/o workload outsourcing for boosting the raid reconstruction performance. in proceedings of the 7th usenix conference on file and storage technologies (fast'09), san francisco, ca, usa, feb. 24-27, 2009.

[22] suzhen wu, dan feng, hong jiang, bo mao, lingfang zeng, and jianxi chen. jor: a journal-guided reconstruction optimization for raid-structured storage systems. in proceedings of 15th international conference on parallel and distributed systems (icpads'09), shenzhen, china, dec. 8-10, 2009.


1. 吴素贞, 栾华高, 毛波, 饶辉. 基于重复数据删除的日志文件系统的垃圾回收方法. 2019

2. 吴素贞, 毛波, 刘晓娟, 林燕萍, 杨伟健, 陈骁. 基于应用感知的重复数据删除存储系统中的数据重构方法. 2017

3. 吴素贞, 毛波, 杨伟健, 陈骁, 林燕萍. 一种固态盘阵列的数据布局方法. 中国国家发明专利. 2017

4. 吴素贞, 毛波, 陈晓熹, 陈晓兰, 席在发. 一种固态盘阵列的垃圾回收方法. 中国国家发明专利. 2016
