
高聪明 副教授




电子邮件:gaocm@xmu.edu.cn gaocm92@gmail.com





研究领域包括智能存储系统、存算融合、非易失存储器、机器学习与系统优化等。主持了国家自然科学青年基金、中国博士后科学基金面上资助、中国博士后科学基金特别资助等项目。曾参与国家重点研发计划重点专项项目、国家863课题项目以及国家自然科学基金等多个项目。先后在ieee/acm transactions等国际期刊和会议上发表论文30余篇,曾荣获2019年/2020年“阿里云-中国计算机学会存储专委会”优秀论文奖,重庆市“优秀博士学位论文”奖,厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才支持计划等。担任ieee tc, ieee tpds, ieee tcad, ieee tkde,acm tos, acm todaes等期刊评审专家。



[1] mengquan li, chao wu, congming gao, cheng ji and kenli li. "rlalloc: a deep reinforcement learning-assisted resource allocation framework for enhanced both i/o throughput and qos performance of multi-streamed ssds" (the design automation conference, dac'23, july 2023.)

[2] yina lv, liang shi, qiao li, congming gao, yunpeng song, longfei luo, youtao zhang. "mgc: multiple-gray-code for 3d nand flash based high-density ssds" (the 29th ieee international symposium on high-performance computer architecture, hpca'23, march 2023.)

[3] congming gao, xin xin, youyou lu, youtao zhang, jun yang and jiwu shu. "parabit: processing parallel bitwise operations in nand flash memory based ssds" (the 54st annual ieee/acm international symposium on microarchitecture, micro'21, october 2021.)

[4] cheng ji, li-pin chang, riwei pan, chao wu, congming gao, liang shi, tei-wei kuo and chun jason xue. "pattern-guided file compression with user-experience enhancement for log-structured file system on mobile devices" (the 19th usenix conference on file and storage technologies, fast'21, february 2021.)

[5] congming gao, min ye, qiao li, chun jason xue, youtao zhang, liang shi and jun yang. "constructing large, durable and fast ssd system via reprogramming 3d tlc flash memory" (the 52nd ieee/acm international symposium on microarchitecture, micro'19, october 2019.)

[6] congming gao, liang shi, chun jason xue, jun yang and youtao zhang. “parallel all the time: plane level parallelism exploration for high performance ssds”. (the 35th international conference on massive storage systems and technology, msst’19, may 2019.)


[1] congming gao, min ye, chun jason xue, youtao zhang, liang shi, jiwu shu and jun yang, “reprogramming 3d tlc flash memory based solid state drives”. (acm transactions on storage, january 2022.)

[2] congming gao, liang shi, kai liu, chun jason xue and jiwu shu, “architecture and technologies of flash memory based solid state drives (in chinese)”. (journal of computer research and development, july 2021.)

[3] congming gao, liang shi, kai liu, chun jason xue, jun yang and youtao zhang, “boosting the performance of ssds via fully exploiting the plane level parallelism”. (ieee transactions on parallel and distributed systems, april 2020.)

[4] congming gao, liang shi, qiao li, kai liu, chun jason xue, jun yang and youtao zhang, “aging capacitor supported cache management scheme for solid state drivers”. (ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, october 2019.)

[5] congming gao, liang shi, yejia di, qiao li, chun jason xue, kaijie wu and edwin h.-m. sha. "exploiting chip idleness for minimizing garbage collection induced chip access conflict on ssds". (acm transactions on design automation of electronic systems, august 2017.)

[6] congming gao, liang shi, cheng ji, yejia di, kaijie wu, chun jason xue and edwin h.-m. sha. "exploiting parallelism for access conflict minimization in flash-based solid state drives". (ieee transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems, april 2017.)


1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目 在研

2. 华为合作科研项目 在研

3. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助 结题

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目 结题

5. 华为合作科研项目 结题
