
刘思聪 副教授

清华大学 博士,2017



电子邮件:liusc (at) xmu dot edu dot cn




2012年毕业于清华大学电子工程系本科获电子信息科学与技术学士学位,2017年获清华大学电子工程系信息与通信工程博士学位, 博士导师为宋健教授(ieee会士),并评为清华大学优秀博士毕业生。2010至2011年间赴香港城市大学电子工程学系交流访学。2017至2018年担任华为技术有限公司网络技术研究部高级工程师。2018年起任厦门大学信息学院助理教授。现任厦门大学信息学院副教授、硕士生导师。

已发表60余篇期刊与会议学术论文,出版学术专著5部,其中4部为第一作者,获得8项发明专利授权,其中2项为国家标准必要专利。 担任宽带电力载波通信国家标准起草人。获“福建省高层次人才”认定。获中国电子学会自然科学二等奖(排名第3)、福建省科技进步三等奖(排名第3)、 清华大学优秀博士学位论文奖、清华大学电子系“学术新秀”称号。获ccf-a类会议acm ubicomp cpd ws 2021 优秀论文奖(通讯作者)。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、福建省自然科学基金、厦门市青年创新基金等科研项目。 参与国家重点研发计划、国家科技重大专项、福建省科技重大专项等科研项目。 担任国际智能电网信息通信大会ieee smartgridcomm 2019大会publication chair、ieee isplc 2021国际学术会议的tpc chair, ieee iccc 2021大会workshop chair、ieee icc 2019大会session chair、ieee icce 2019大会track chair, 以及包括ieee icc/globecom在内的多个国际知名学术会议技术程序委员会委员。担任frontiers in communications and networks, sensors journal, future internet journal等国际学术期刊编辑或客座编辑。中国通信学会高级会员、ieee会员、acm会员、中国电子学会会员。





2022年2月 - 至今    厦门大学信息学院,副教授

2018年1月 - 2022年1月    厦门大学信息学院,助理教授

2017年7月 - 2018年1月    华为技术有限公司网络技术研究部,高级工程师

2012年8月 - 2017年7月   清华大学电子工程系,攻读信息与通信工程博士学位,导师宋健教授

2010年8月 - 2011年1月 香港城市大学电子工程学系,交流访学

2008年8月 - 2012年7月  清华大学电子工程系,本科


[a14] acm ubicomp cpd ws 优秀论文奖(通讯作者),2021

[a13] 福建省高层次人才 (b类),2021

[a12] 中国电子学会自然科学二等奖(排名第3),2019

[a11] 福建省科技进步三等奖(排名第3),2019

[a10] 福建省引进高层次人才(b类),2019

[a9] 清华大学优秀博士学位论文奖, 2017

[a8] 清华大学优秀博士毕业生, 2017

[a7] 北京市优秀毕业生, 2017

[a6] 清华大学电子系“电子之星”奖(科创类), 2017

[a5] 清华大学电子系“学术新秀”奖, 2016

[a4] 博士研究生国家奖学金, 2016

[a3] 清华大学优秀研究生支持计划暨唐立新奖学金, 2015

[a2] 硕士研究生国家奖学金, 2014

[a1] 清华大学本科优良毕业生, 2012


[f5] 面向高可靠车联网通信的稀疏干扰消除方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金 (项目编号 61901403),2020年1月-2022年12月,主持

[f4] 面向新一代无线通信的多重压缩感知与稀疏学习技术研究,福建省自然科学基金(2019j05001),2019年7月-2022年6月,主持

[f3] 复杂5g无线环境下的稀疏干扰智能消除方法,厦门市青年创新基金(3502z20206039),2020年7月-2023年6月,主持

[f2] 基于压缩感知与机器学习的5g无线通信关键技术研究,中央高校基本科研项目(20720190029),2019年1月-2019年12月,主持

[f1] 基于机器学习稀疏干扰对抗车联网安全,美亚柏科产学研项目,2018年12月-2020年6月,主持


[s9] associate editor of frontiers in communications and networks, since 2020

[s8] guest editor of sensors journal, 2021-2022

[s7] guest editor of future internet journal

[s6] tpc chair of ieee international symposium on power line communications (isplc) 2021

[s5] workshop chair of ieee international conference on communications in china (iccc) 2021

[s4] publication chair of ieee smartgridcomm 2019

[s3] session/track chair/co-chair of ieee icc 2019, ieee smartgridcomm 2019, ieee icce 2019

[s2] tpc member of ieee icc, globecom, smartgridcomm, wcnc, vtc, iwcmc, iccc, icscc, wedge, etc.

[s1] reviewer of ieee jsac, tcom, tsp, twc, tvt, tifs, tdsc, iotj, tbc, comml, wcomml, etc.


[t5] cst304: digital signal processing, undergraduates, fall 2018/2019, xiamen university malaysia (english)

[t4] cst103: programming language (c), undergraduates, fall 2018/2019, xiamen university malaysia (english)

[t3] 通信电路原理, 本科生, 2018/2019学年春季学期、2019/2020学年春季学期,厦门大学

[t2] 无线通信原理, 本科生, 2019/2020学年春季学期, 厦门大学

[t1] 数字信号处理实验, 本科生, 2019/2020学年秋季学期、2020/2021学年秋季学期,厦门大学




[m4] sicong liu, "research on the key technologies in narrowband interference and impulsive noise mitigation and cancellation," springer, sep. 2020, isbn: 978-981-15-4723-2.

[m3] 刘思聪,杨昉,宋健,“非高斯特殊噪声干扰的抑制与消除:从经典信号处理到压缩感知方法”,北京:电子工业出版社,2019年5月

[m2] 刘思聪,肖亮,“无线通信与安全”,北京:清华大学出版社,2021年4月

[m1] 杨昉,刘思聪,高镇,“5g移动通信空口新技术”,北京:电子工业出版社,2020年7月


[j22] s. liu* and x. huang, "sparsity-aware channel estimation for mmwave massive mimo: a deep cnn-based approach," china communications, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 162-171, jun. 2021.

[j21] c. lu, z. wang, w. ding, g. li, s. liu and l. cheng, "marvel: multi-agent reinforcement learning for vanet delay minimization," china communications, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1-11, june 2021.

[j20] l. xiao, y. ding, j. huang, s. liu*, y. tang and h. dai, "uav anti-jamming video transmissions with qoe guarantee: a reinforcement learning-based approach," ieee transactions on communications, vol. 69, no. 9, pp. 5933-5947, sept. 2021.

[j19] y. xiao, g. niu, l. xiao, y. ding, s. liu and y. fan, "reinforcement learning based energy-efficient internet-of-things video transmission," intelligent and converged networks, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 258-270, dec. 2020.

[j18] l. xiao, h. zhang, y. xiao, x. wan, s. liu, l.-c. wang, and h. v. poor, "reinforcement learning-based downlink interference control for ultra-dense small cells," ieee transactions on wireless communications, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 423-434, jan. 2020.

[j17] s. liu*, l. xiao, z. han and y. tang, "eliminating nb-iot interference to lte system: a sparse machine learning based approach," ieee internet of things journal, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 6919-6932, aug. 2019.

[j16] l. xiao, g. sheng, s. liu*, h. dai, m. peng and j. song, "deep reinforcement learning enabled secure visible light communication against eavesdropping," ieee transactions on communications, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 6994-7005, oct. 2019.

[j15] s. liu*, l. xiao, l. huang and x. wang, "impulsive noise recovery and elimination: a sparse machine learning based approach," ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 2306-2315, march 2019.

[j14] sicong liu, fang yang*, jian song, zhu han, "block sparse bayesian learning based nb-iot interference elimination in lte-advanced systems," ieee transactions on communications, 2017, 65(10): 4559 - 4571.

[j13] sicong liu, fang yang*, xianbin wang, jian song, zhu han, "structured-compressed-sensing-based impulsive noise cancellation for mimo systems," ieee transactions on vehicular technology, 2017, 66(8): 6921 - 6931.

[j12] sicong liu, fang yang*, wenbo ding, xianbin wang, and jian song, "two dimensional structured compressed sensing based nbi cancellation exploiting spatial and temporal correlations in mimo systems," ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 9020-9028, nov. 2016.

[j11] sicong liu, fang yang*, wenbo ding, and jian song, "double kill: compressive sensing based narrowband interference and impulsive noise mitigation for vehicular communications," ieee transactions on vehicular technology, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 5099-5109, july 2016.

[j10] sicong liu*, fang yang, jian song, "narrowband interference cancellation based on priori aided compressive sensing for dtmb systems,” ieee transactions on broadcasting, vol.61, no.1, pp.66-74, march 2015.

[j9] sicong liu, fang yang, jian song, "an optimal interleaving scheme with maximum time-frequency diversity for plc systems,” ieee transactions on power delivery, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1007-1014, june 2016.

[j8] sicong liu, fang yang, wenbo ding, jian song, and andrea m. tonello, "structured compressed sensing based narrowband interference elimination for in-home power line communications," ieee transactions on consumer electronics, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 10-18, feb. 2017.

[j7] sicong liu, fang yang, chao zhang, jian song, "narrowband interference mitigation based on compressive sensing for ofdm systems”, ieice transactions on fundamentals, vol. e98-a, no. 3, pp. 870–873, march 2015.

[j6] tengjiao wang, sicong liu, fang yang, jintao wang, jian song, “generalized spatial modulation based multi-user and signal detection scheme for terrestrial return channel with noma”, accepted by ieee transactions on broadcasting, aug. 2017.

[j5] xu ma, fang yang, sicong liu, jian song and zhu han, “design and optimizationon training sequence for mmwave communications: a new approach for sparse channel estimation in massive mimo", in ieee journal on selected areas in communications, vol. 35, no. 7, pp. 1486-1497, apr. 2017.

[j4] xu ma, fang yang, sicong liu, jian song, "channel estimation for wideband underwater visible light communication: a compressive sensing perspective", accepted by optics express, dec. 2017.

[j3] fang yang, junnan gao and sicong liu, "novel visible light communication approach based on hybrid ook and aco-ofdm," ieee photonics technology letters, vol. 28, no. 14, pp. 1585-1588, july15, 15 2016.

[j2] fang yang, junnan gao, and sicong liu, "priori aided compressed sensing-based clipping noise cancellation for aco-ofdm systems," ieee photonics technology letters, vol. 28, no. 19, pp. 2082-2085, oct.1, 1 2016.

[j1] fang yang, junnan gao, sicong liu, and jian song, "clipping noise elimination for ofdm systems by compressed sensing with partially aware support," accepted by ieee transactions on broadcasting, jun. 2016.


[c19] t. wei, d. su and s. liu*, "generative adversarial network enabled sparse signal compression and recovery for internet of medical things," acm ubicomp'21, pp. 678–683, sept 2021.

[c18] d. su, x. liu and s. liu*, "three-dimensional indoor visible light localization: a learning-based approach," acm ubicomp'21, pp. 672–677, sept 2021.

[c17] s. liu*, l. gao, and d. su, "deep learning based underwater acoustic channel estimation exploiting physical knowledge on channel sparsity," acm ubicomp'21, pp. 655–659, sept 2021.

[c16] l. gao and s. liu*, "underwater acoustic channel estimation based on sparsity-aware deep neural networks," 2021 oes china ocean acoustics (coa), pp. 544-549, june 2021.

[c15] t. wei and s. liu*, "sparse learning based implantable medical device transmission against eavesdropping," 2021 15th international symposium on medical information and communication technology (ismict), pp. 70-75, may 2021.

[c14] x. huang, s. liu*, "massive mimo channel estimation for vehicular communications: a deep learning based approach,” 2020 ieee international conference on communications (icc) workshops, dublin, ireland, june 2020.

[c13] w. wang, x. lu, s. liu*, l. xiao, b. yang, "energy efficient relay in uav networks against jamming: a reinforcement learning based approach,” 2020 ieee 91st vehicular technology conference (vtc2020-spring), antwerp, belgium, may 2020.

[c12] y. ding, d. jiang, j. huang, l. xiao, s. liu*, y. tang, h. dai, "qoe-aware power control for uav-aided media transmission with reinforcement learning,” 2019 ieee global communications conference (globecom), waikoloa, hi, usa, 2019, pp. 1-6.

[c11] h. zhang, m. min, l. xiao, s. liu*, p. cheng and m. peng, "reinforcement learning-based interference control for ultra-dense small cells,” 2018 ieee global communications conference (globecom), abu dhabi, united arab emirates, 2018, pp. 1-6.

[c10] z. xiao, b. gao, s. liu* and l. xiao, "learning based power control for mmwave massive mimo against jamming,” 2018 ieee global communications conference (globecom), abu dhabi, united arab emirates, 2018, pp. 1-6.

[c9] sicong liu, fang yang, wenbo ding, jian song, zhu han, "impulsive noise cancellation for mimo-ofdm plc systems: a structured compressed sensing perspective", to appear in proc. ieee global communications conference (globecom), dec. 2016.

[c8] sicong liu, fang yang, wenbo ding, jian song, "nbi cancellation for smart grid communications: a block sparse bayesian learning perspective", in proc. 2016 ieee international conference on communications (icc), kuala lumpur, may 2016, pp. 1-6.

[c7] sicong liu, fang yang, wenbo ding, jian song, "structured compressive sensing based narrowband interference mitigation for vehicular communications,” proc. ieee international conference on communications (icc’15), pp. 2375-2380, jun. 2015.

[c6] sicong liu, fang yang, wenbo ding, and jian song, "a priori aided compressive sensing approach for impulsive noise reconstruction," in proc. ieee iwcmc 2015, dubrovnik, croatia.

[c5] sicong liu, fang yang, wenbo ding, and jian song, “structured compressed sensing based nbi recovery from spatial multiple differential measurements for mimo plc systems,” in proc. ieee globecom 2015, san diego, usa.

[c4] sicong liu, fang yang, jian song, jianqi li, weilin liu, "an optimized time-frequency interleaving scheme for ofdm-based power line communication systems”, in proc. ieee international conference on communications (icc), sydney, jun. 2014, pp. 4137-4142.

[c3] sicong liu, fang yang, chao zhang, jian song, "compressive sensing based narrowband interference cancellation for power line communication systems”, to be published in proc. ieee global communications conference (globecom), austin, usa, dec. 2014.

[c2] sicong liu, fang yang, jian song, fei ren, jia li, "ofdm preamble design for synchronization under narrowband interference”, in proc. ieee international symposium on power line communications (isplc), johannesburg, south africa, mar. 2013, pp. 252-257.

[c1] jian song, sicong liu, guangxin zhou, bingyan yu, wenbo ding, fang yang, hongming zhang, xun zhang, amara amara, "a cost-effective approach for ubiquitous broadband access based on hybrid plc-vlc system", in proc. 2016 ieee international symposium on circuits and systems (iscas), montreal, qc, may 2016, pp. 2815-2818.(invited paper)


[i3] 在ieee国际电路与系统大会 ieee international symposium on circuits and systems (iscas) 2016 做特邀学术报告

[i2] 在ieee无线光通信国际学术会议 ieee symposium and workshop on visible light communications 2016 做特邀学术报告

[i1] 在戴尔(中国)股份有限公司做关于“5g通信关键技术及其在工业物联网中的应用”特邀主题学术报告, 2019


[p10] 刘思聪,高龙杰;一种基于深度学习的稀疏水声信道估计方法;中国发明专利,202011361757.5;已授权。

[p9] 刘思聪,黄潇;一种基于深度卷积神经网络的大规模多天线信道估计方法;中国发明专利,202010413758.3;已授权。

[p8] 杨昉,高俊男,刘思聪,宋健,陆建华;冲激噪声消除方法及装置;中国发明专利,201510201105.8;已授权。

[p7] 杨昉,刘思聪,张超,宋健,王劲涛; 一种基于压缩感知的冲激噪声估计与消除方法及装置;发明专利,201410140839.5;已授权。

[p6] 杨昉,刘思聪,宋健,潘长勇; 一种基于压缩感知的窄带干扰估计和消除方法及装置;发明专利,201410006974.0;已授权。

[p5] 杨昉,刘思聪,宋健,阳辉,牛志升;用于正交频分复用通信的交织方法及装置;中国发明专利,201310153729.8;已授权。

[p4] 杨昉,刘思聪,宋健,潘长勇; 基于先验信息辅助的压缩感知窄带干扰估计方法及装置;发明专利,201310395712.3;已授权。

[p3] 杨昉,刘思聪,潘长勇,宋健; 数字通信系统中的帧同步序列生成方法及装置;发明专利,201310037606.8;已授权。

[p2] 杨昉,刘思聪,宋健,彭克武; 电力线通信系统中基于 ofdm 的多频组网方法及装置;发明专利,201310395712.3;已授权。

[p1] 潘长勇,任飞,刘思聪,李嘉,杨昉,张超,宋健;基于非对等保护的混合自动请求重传方法;中国发明专利,201210238146.0;已授权。
