
万磊 副教授;硕士生导师


研究方向:水声通信 – 算法设计与系统开发


电子邮件:leiwan (at) xmu.edu.cn




  • 工程数学(本科课程)

  • 水声通信技术(研究生课程,与程恩、苏为老师合上)

  • 论文写作指导(研究生课程)

  • 文献检索与科技英文论文写作(研究生课程)




  • ieee会员;

  • ieee open journal of communications society – 副编辑(associate editor);

  • 数字海洋与水下攻防 – 编委;

  • 2022 – 2023 electronics, advanced underwater acoustic systems for uasns, guest editor;

  • 2021 ieee/cic international conference on communications in china workshop on underwater acoustic communications and marine information technology co-chair;

  • the 15th international conference on underwater networks & systems (wuwnet’21) poster chair;

  • 2021年全国水下机器人大赛 – 水下声学通信应用产业赛技术委员会成员、决赛评委;

  • 国际期刊会议审稿人:ieee communications magazine, ieee transactions on wireless communications, ieee transactions on signal processing, ieee transactions on communications, ieee transactions on vehicular technology, ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing, ieee journal of oceanic engineering, ieee sensors journal, ieee wireless communications letters, ieee signal processing letters, ieee communications letters, ieee access, ieee open journal of communications society, the journal of the acoustical society of america, digital signal processing, applied acoustics, icc, globecom, wuwnet等.


  • 面向不同信道扩展条件的ofdm水声通信关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,(no. 62171394),57万,2022.1 – 2025.12,主持;

  • 面向智慧海洋的可靠可信通信与组网关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金联合项目,(no. u21a20444),260万,2022.1 – 2025.12,参与;

  • 非相干fsk水声通信系统功率分配优化,重点实验室稳定支持项目子课题,(no. jckys2022604ssjs001),20万,2022.06 – 2024.05,主持;

  • 多场景多用户海洋智能应用服务云平台设计与实现的研究,国家重点研发计划子任务,(no. 2021yff0704005),30万,2021.12 – 2024.11,主持;

  • 面向水下高机动场景的稳健ofdm通信技术,泛网无线通信教育部重点实验室开放课题, (no. kfkt-2022103),3万,2022.04 – 2024.03,主持

  • 高速声通信系统研制,横向项目,30万,2021.12 – 2022.3,主持;

  • 面向复杂海洋环境的水下装备间高速可靠数据传输关键技术,国家自然科学基金联合项目, (no. u1806201),278万,2019.1 – 2022.12,参与;

  • 发送能耗优化的自适应水声通信技术研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,(no. 61801139),24万,2019.1 – 2021.12,主持;

  • 水声ofdm系统稀疏信道估计性能分析与提升,中央高校基本业务费,(no. heucfj180505, 3072019cfj0515),30万,2018.1 – 2019.12,主持;

  • 自适应能耗优化的水声通信技术研究,水声技术重点实验室稳定支持课题,(no. ssjswdzc2018010),20万,2018.1 – 2019.12,主持;


  • l. wan, j. zhu, e. cheng and z. xu, “joint cfo, gridless channel estimation and data detection for underwater acoustic ofdm systems,” ieee journal of oceanic engineering, 2022, doi: 10.1109/joe.2022.3162025.

  • j. guo, s. song, j. liu, l. wan, y. zhao and g. han, “an efficient medium access control scheme based on mc-cdma for mobile underwater acoustic networks,” ieee network, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 167-173, may/june 2022.

  • g. qiao, x. qiang and l. wan*, “double interpolation-based linear fitting for omp channel estimation in ofdm systems,” ieee communications letters, vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 2908-2912, 2021.

  • y. chen, k. zheng, x. fang, l. wan, x. xu, “qmcr: a q-learning-based multi-hop cooperative routing protocol for underwater acoustic sensor networks,” china communications, vol. 18, no. 8, pp. 224-236, 2021.

  • y. chen, w. yu, x. sun, l. wan, y. tao, x. xu, “environment-aware communication channel quality prediction for underwater acoustic transmissions: a machine learning method,” applied acoustics, vol. 181, 2021.

  • l. wan, h. jia, f. zhou, m. muzzammil, t. li, and y. huang, “fine doppler scale estimations for an underwater acoustic cp-ofdm system,” signal processing, vol. 170, 2020.

  • m. muzzammil, n. ahmed, g. qiao, i. ullah and l. wan, “fundamentals and advancements of magnetic-field communication for underwater wireless sensor networks,” ieee transactions on antennas and propagation, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 7555-7570, 2020.

  • l. wan, x. qiang, l. ma, q. song, and g. qiao, “accurate and efficient path delay estimation in omp based sparse channel estimation for ofdm with equispaced pilots,” ieee wireless communications letters, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 117-120, 2019.

  • g. qiao, y. xiao, l. wan*, x. guo and h. jia, “analysis of snr metrics for a typical underwater acoustic ofdm system,” ieee access, 2019.

  • m. muzzammil, t. ahmad, n. m. khan, and l. wan*, “low cost, faster detection of cognitive radio through filter banks with bandpass sampling,” physical communication, vol. 33, pp. 1-8, 2019.

  • x. cai, l. wan, y. huang, s. zhou, and z. shi, “further results on multicarrier mfsk based underwater acoustic communications,” physical communication, vol. 18, part 1, pp. 15-27, 2016.

  • l. wan, h. zhou, x. xu, y. huang, s. zhou, z. shi, and j-h. cui, “adaptive modulation and coding for underwater acoustic ofdm,” ieee journal of oceanic engineering, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 327-336, 2015.

  • y. chen, z.-h. wang, l. wan, h. zhou, s. zhou, and x.-m. xu, “ofdm modulated dynamic coded cooperation in underwater acoustic channels,” ieee journal of oceanic engineering, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 159-168, 2015.

  • l. wan, h. zhou, d. wilson, j. hanson, s. zhou, and z. shi, “analysis of underwater ofdm performance during a two-month deployment in chesapeake bay,” marine technology society journal, vol. 48, no. 6, november/december 2014.

  • h. yan, l. wan, s. zhou, z. shi, j. cui, j. huang and h. zhou, “dsp based receiver implementation for ofdm acoustic modems,” physical communication, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 22-32, 2012.
