
张翼 助理教授

台湾大学 博士(2020)



电子邮件:yizhang (at) xmu.edu.cn




张翼,博士,现为厦门大学信息学院信息与通信工程系助理教授。2020年毕业于台湾大学电信工程学研究所,获得博士学位。曾参与5g无线通信协议、边缘计算架构、车联网、可见光通信、摄像机定位、光纤传感应用等多个方向的科研项目,在ieee transactions on mobile computing等国际期刊上公开发表了多篇学术论文。目前主要从事无线通信、边缘计算和隐私保护等相关领域的研究。







  • ieee transactions on wireless communications (twc)

  • ieee transactions on dependable and secure computing (tdsc)

  • ieee internet of things journal (iot-j)

  • ieee transactions on communications (tcom)

  • ieee transactions on industrial informatics (tii)



1. yi zhang, jiun-hao liu, chih-yu wang and hung-yu wei, “decomposable intelligence on cloud-edge iot framework for live video analytics,” ieee internet of things journal (iot-j), vol. 7, no. 9, pp. 8860-8873, sept. 2020.

2. yi zhang, chih-yu wang and hung-yu wei, “parking reservation auction for parked vehicle assistance in vehicular fog computing,” ieee transactions on vehicular technology (tvt), vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 3126-3139, april 2019.

3. yi zhang, chih-yu wang and hung-yu wei, “incentive compatible overlay d2d system: a group-based framework without cqi feedback,” ieee transactions on mobile computing (tmc), vol. 17, no. 9, pp. 2069–2086, sept. 2018.

4. yiwei li, zabih ghassemlooy, xuan tang, bangjiang lin and yi zhang, “a vlc smartphone camera based indoor positioning system,” ieee photonics technology letters (ptl), vol. 30, no. 13, pp. 1171-1174, july 2018.

5. yi zhang, chih-yu wang and hung-yu wei, “parked vehicle assisted vfc system with smart parking: an auction approach,” 2018 ieee global communications conference (globecom), abu dhabi, uae, dec. 2018.

6. weiping ye, jian chen, bangjiang lin, xuan tang and yi zhang, “experimental demonstration of noma visible light communications based on scfdm,” 16th international conference on optical communications and networks (icocn), wuzhen, china, pp. 1-3, aug. 2017.

7. yi zhang, chih-yu wang and hung-yu wei, “incentive compatible mode selection and spectrum partitioning in overlay d2d-enabled network,” 2015 ieee globecom workshops (gc wkshps), san diego, ca, usa, dec. 2015.

